Few things compliment a home better than being surrounded by a lush, emerald-green lawn, but homeowners sometimes struggle with achieving this. One of the secrets of a thriving lawn is to provide seasonal lawn care. Here’s what Springfield, IL residents need to know about fall lawn care.
Rake Leaves Regularly
Although many homeowners feel that waiting until the end of autumn to rake all the leaves at once is a better landscape maintenance strategy than regular raking, leaving leaves on the lawn is bad for the grass. Not only can this practice deprive the grass of valuable sunlight that it needs to thrive, but it also encourages the growth and development of harmful fungal pathogens and provides prime habitat for insect and rodent pests. A blanket of leaves also inhibits evaporation, which may lead to grass-developing root rot. Leaves also become very slippery when wet, creating a slip-and-fall hazard.
Add Fall Fertilizer

Best lawn care practices include fertilizing lawns twice during autumn. The first feeding should occur in early fall and will help the grass roots recover from any damage caused by hot summer weather. The second fall feeding should occur about two months later and is designed to allow the root systems of the grass to store nutrients to give them a good start in the spring. Additionally, many fertilizers are also formulated with weed control ingredients.
Reseed Bare Spots
Summer can be tough on lawns. Children and pets spend much time playing on them, and hot weather can wreak havoc on a lawn’s overall health. It’s not unusual for bare spots to form, and autumn is a perfect time to include reseeding them in your residential lawn care strategy. The best time to reseed bare spots on the lawn is about a month after the first fall fertilizer application.
Practice Proper Mowing
Lawns should be mowed as usual during autumn, but the season’s last two or three mowings should be between one to two inches shorter than the usual height. Lawn grass typically goes dormant in Springfield, IL during late fall or early winter, depending on weather variations, and shouldn’t need mowing again until new spring growth begins to arrive.
Have Your Lawn Aerated

Fall is also a great time for homeowners to have their lawns aerated. Soils become impacted over time, creating conditions that make it difficult for lawn grass to thrive. Aeration helps lawns access valuable oxygen, water, and nutrients found in the soil. Over time, proper aeration builds lush, healthy lawns. The Wellman’s Lawn Care professionals can ensure that aeration is done properly.
Contact Wellmen’s Lawn Care in Springfield, IL for More Information
Wellmen’s Lawn Care has provided Springfield, IL residents with commercial lawn care services since 2008. Please feel free to contact us using our convenient online form or call us at 217.502.2540 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.